Amundsen House of Chaos

Let's face it, when you have a kid who survived a stroke, life is always going to be a little chaotic.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

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The early demise of Copper

So in case you ever get the urge to feed a guinea pig a plastic shopping bag. Don't do it! It kind of makes them suffocate or something. Anyway, poor copper ate half of a walmart bag and was found this morning very cold and stiff with big bulging eyes. Jahnna has been informed that he has been buried in the pet cemetary behind the mountain. It is far away so children don't try and go visit their pets. She told me it was ok when she turned eight she would be able to see him. I asked her why when she is eight? She told me well I will be resurrected with Jesus and I will get to see all my old pets. Hmmmmm Maybe we need to talk a little bit more about baptism and what it really means. That will be for our next family home evening I think.

Monday, November 10, 2008

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Trying to Kill me

I've decided that Riley and Colby are together on a conspiracy to kill me. When you are up every hour of the last three nights that must be their purpose. Maybe tonight they will sleep but I"m not holding my breath.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

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I was asked to speak with the young women today on how faith has gotten me through the changes we have faced recently. Wow how do you tell 14 and 15 year old girls that story in 10 minutes. How do you explain your life so simplified. Can it really even be done. Our life has become so complex can you break it down into gospel principles? I hope I did an all right job. As usual I was a wreck because our life has changed so much in the last year that we still go through the grief process regularly. I think it can be broken down to such a simple thing as faith. My life depends on it. If I didn't have faith I could not function. It gets me through the day and sometimes through the hour. Faith is what sustains me in my dark hours and what makes my heart sing during the joyful ones. With out the knowledge that this is God's plan for me and my family I would have fallen into a deep dark depression and I don't think I would have come out. Faith allows me to face each day knowing that I am loved and that this is God's will. It also lets me know that I am strong enough for the challenges I face. Our challenges are unique to us and for that I am grateful. There are so many out there that are far worse off than we are that I can't help be filled with gratitude for our situation. It is hard and trying and I wish I could get more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep at night but I wouldn't trade this for the world. I have learned how deep my own reserves are and how high I can be carried by my Heavenly Father. I could not do this without him. I think our families new motto is going to be from Elder Wirthlin in this last conference. Come what may, love it.

Since this has become sort of a journal for me as well as a way to let others know what's going on in our lives. I thought I'd post this more for myself than for others. I can go back and read it when I'm having a rough time or a bad night.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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Fashion Sense

Jahnna has a very unique sense of fashion. This is what she wore to school today. Hat and all. Coming from a mother who can't stand to wear dresses she loves her skirts and the color pink. You can't really see the leggings that I force her to wear under the skirt. She wouldn't wear them if I didn't make her. I figure when it's 38 degrees outside she better have at least that on. The hat is her Easter hat. The sticker on her forehead is for super math day or something. All I can do is smile at her wonderful sense of self! I sure do love her.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

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New Pictures

Sister Tracy (in gray) and Sister Richardson in pink before Sister Tracy was transferred to layton. We will miss her.

Riley showing off her bounty from the mall.

Carving Pumpkins with Dad

On dad's watch!

Finding out that the cheese in lasagna is not american cheese. she still won't eat cheese if she thinks it's not american. Then when you tell her it's mozarella or ricotta or what ever this is the face she gives you. Goofball!

Riley on Colby's new therapy slide. He as to climb up it with lots of help and then try to crawl down it. He seems to think we are torturing him when we do this. Fun times.

Riley is one cool girl. She loves to wear her brothers sunglasses.

The very dirty princess Riley.

My superman.

For some reason the pictures of Jahnna as tinkerbell seem to have disappeared. She was pretty cute. I made her wear green fleece pants and a long sleeve white shirt under the costume but she was pretty good about it. She had a ton of fun at her school halloween party. I took Colby and Riley to the mall to do the trunk or treat and then we went around our block for trick or treating that night. Colby's teacher sent home a cool talking picture frame that she recorded with Trick or Treat on it. So at every house he pushed the button and it would say trick or treat for him. He had the biggest smile every time he did it. His school is evaluating him for some technology equipment so he might be getting a speech board soon. Not sure what will happen really.