Amundsen House of Chaos

Let's face it, when you have a kid who survived a stroke, life is always going to be a little chaotic.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Uggghhh Sleep Studies

So colby's mickey button popped and we had to go down to primaries yesterday to replace it. The sleep study people happened to call 5 minutes after I made the appointment. So they said well do you just want to stay instead of coming back next tuesday. So I said ok no big deal. Sleep studies are miserable!!!!! Poor Colby looked like a mummy because he had a full EEG while they were doing it to make sure he wasn't having small seizures that were causing him to wake up. Anyway we got him all hooked up and he went to sleep. I knew it was going to be a miserable night because he hated what they did to him. So he was up at 11:45 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 and finally 5:00. I finally asked if we could just go. The sad thing is, is that it wasn't his worst night ever. He does this about every fourth or fifth night. So I'm used to it but then driving home this morning made me have a huge headache. So now I'm exhausted and have a migrane. Fun for me. We'll know the results in 3 weeks. Lucky us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

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When it rains it pours!!!

So I have no one to vent to at the moment other than Riley and while she is cute she is part of the troubles today so instead of strangling the children I figured I would just post. First off this started yesterday. Riley has always had insane diarhea. For what ever reason she just does. I was starting to be concerned she wasn't gaining weight so off we went to the doctor yesterday. Fun for me I get to take 3 different stool samples. But he suspects that really she has an iga deficiency in her blood or is really anemic since she keeps trying to eat zinc oxide diaper rash paste. gee I get points for being on top of that about 6 months to late. So sometime next week we are probably going for lots of blood work on her. Then this morning I go downstairs and smell a mildewy smell. It's coming from the toy room. I walk in and squish goes the carpet. Standing water up on the sides of my shoes. At this point I have taken 4 steam cleaner buckets of water out of that room with no end in sight. I called the rental company to let them know we have a small problem. I ask Jahnna who had been in there the night before if it was like that last night. She said "Ummmm it's been like that for awhile" I said "Ummmmm next time you see water on the carpet like that I need to know right away." I bottled my frustrations and walked away. After all she is the one who last night at midnight decided to go throw up in the bathroom. She gets points for making it to the bathroom but gets them all taken away when she forgets to lift the toilet seat. Do you know how far vomit splatters off a toilet seat? I do! Johns response to all of this last night was "Kids are so fun" Thankfully he helped me clean it up, doing most of the work. I don't handle vomit very well. Then this afternoon after Colby and Jahnna are at school. Riley disappeared. I found her in a closet in Colby's room playing with vaseline that she had gotten off the changing table some how. Did I mention she's really good at climbing now? She looked up and told me "pretty" So now she has had a bath again and her hair is still all greasy and so I just stuck it straight up in a pony tail. So far that is the end of my story but I'm sure I'll have more to add later.

Friday, October 3, 2008

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Colby at school

Colby is so happy in these pictures I just had to post them. His teacher Ms. Kim just sent them to me. He loves to give them a hard time down there. So I totally think it's great he was smiling for them. He finally doesn't want his dad to beat his teachers up. For the longest time he thought that would be funny but last night when john asked him if he wanted him to beat them up he looked very concerned and then said no. Funny little boy! He still wants to shoot his sisters with his cap gun though so some things will never change!