Amundsen House of Chaos

Let's face it, when you have a kid who survived a stroke, life is always going to be a little chaotic.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

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Garage Sale

Holy crazy garage sale on Saturday. A neighbor put together a community wide garage sale for us and raised just under $10,000 for Colby. That will get us another round of Hyperbarics. We are so excited, grateful, overwhelmed..... I'm sure there are more words out there I just can't seem to find them at the moment. I never realized how much a community can come together to help support people when there is a need. We are talking with the hospital and hopefully will start the next round soon. On a crazier note, Jahnna decided yesterday she wanted her ears pierced. So we got them pierced. She was very brave and didn't cry at all. The look of shock on her face was hysterical and I wish I could have caught it on a camera but I didn't. Then she decided that she wanted to dye her hair pink and her very obliging father said Ok. Luckily her hair is to dark and it doesn't show up very good. She has now decided she needs to bleach her hair so that it can be very very pink but hopefully she will forget about that idea and just let it go! The tooth fairy has also visted our house twice in the last week and so she has a nice big gaping smile to go with her new earrings and pink hair! Fun times at the amundsens!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

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Rain Rain Go Away

Has anyone told the weather forecasters that it is JUNE and it's not supposed to be raining right now. I would really like to have a garden and send Jahnna outside. Riley has a ton of summer outfits and she can't wear any of them. I should stop complaining. I know that there is a drought and all that but my goodness I am sick of rain. In other news we have a lady from our ward who is setting up an enormous yard sale to benefit Colby. We have benefit accounts set up at Wells Fargo and also at Zions so people who want to donate money are able to do so. I am going on the radio with her on Thursday morning which will be nerve racking.I don't think I'm a very good public speaker so I hope it goes well. I'm excited my mom is coming out to visit the last weekend in June. We are taking Colby down to Provo for a cranial sacral conference. He is going to be a demonstration kid for them. I'm excited we get the work done on him. He loves it. He always sleeps so good the night of a treatment so hopefully he will sleep after this. My mom is going to stay with the girls while John and I take him down. It won't be a totally kid free night out with my husband but at least it will be something! If you are going to be in our area on the 21st stop by the yard sale at lee's market and say Hi!

Monday, June 2, 2008

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Dance Recital

Jahnna had her dance recital on Friday. She was great. She told me she was a little frightened before she went out but that she still had fun. She loved that she got to wear makeup. She was excited for Aunt Megan to come see her but silly Uncle Allan decided to roll a motorcycle and go to the hosptial with a sprained shoulder instead. I think he's lucky Megan didn't kill him when she saw him! We also had a garage sale on Saturday. That was fun. I met a lady from my ward who is going to put together a stake wide garage sale for us on the 21st. I am hoping it will go a long way towards getting Colby the therapy that he needs. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes. Here are some new pictures from this weekend. First an updated family shot, then Colby was wanting his dad to hold him (I can't figure out how to turn the pictures so you will just have to turn your head!) Jahnna in her dance costume and finally Riley found the paints and was painting!