Amundsen House of Chaos

Let's face it, when you have a kid who survived a stroke, life is always going to be a little chaotic.

Monday, September 28, 2009

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Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Seems like I only get around to this every other week or so. I really should get better at updating but life has been trying to throw curve balls at me again. So it's been another couple crazy weeks.

Last week when my two year old was throwing huge amounts of temper tantrums I did not respond to her whining "WHHHHYYYYYY????" with this response "Because we experienced a contraceptive malfunction and that's why you are here." Who would tell there child that? I would never do that!

When my husband wanted to build wooden swords for our chilren to "play" with, I would never sarcastically respond with "Ok, then you get to clean up the blood when they are done playing." I always respond rationally and lovingly to all questions and ideas suggested by others in my family.

I also would never do a happy dance when going shooting with my husband and hitting the clay pigeons with a .22 revolver when they were placed 20 yards away. Especially because I broke just as many as the boys! If you've never tried to hit a target that far away with a revolver don't think it's not a difficult thing to do! Cause it is. Anyway, doing a happy dance would be a silly an immature way to gloat over my husband not doing it first!

I would never meet with a new neurologist taking up an hour and a half of her time asking questions over a procedure we don't even know if they can do on Colby either! That would be jumping the gun. In my defence a good 30 minutes of that time was spent in video taping Colby's dystonia in an effort to determine if deep brain stimulation would indeed help him.

That's all I can remember for now so Happy Monday and now I'm off to do more things that I'm sure will result in more not me moments.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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I am an angel!

So this mornings conversation with Riley and her dad went something like this.

Riley screaming at Jahnna "You go to your room"
Dad "Riley leave Jahnna alone, your not the boss, you are a kid"
Riley "No I'm not! I'm an angel. Grandma's angel. I da boss. You da king. You go to work, your the king."
Dad "Kings are the bosses, Angels are  not."
Riley "I am an angel. I am the boss."
Dad "Well if your an angel then I'm God and I am the boss."
Riley "No you are the king, you go to work"

Not really sure who won that one. I think it might have been Riley.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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Deep Brain Stimulation

So at Colby's Botox and Phenol appointment Deep Brain Stimulation was brought to our attention. I had heard about it before but it's kind of the last step for dystonia. I researched it about a year ago but we decided to try a baclofen pump instead. You actually have to do the pump first before you can even consider DBS. So we know have Colby's records at another neurologists office. She will review them and then let us know if he's a candidate. Kind of a scary thing. I don't know if I want him to be a candidate or not.

If they ruled it out then it wouldn't be my decision to have him go through another surgery. How chicken is that? All the articles that I have read on it talk about them being awake for the surgery and having to give feedback on the placement. One, how scary would that be for a 4 year old and two, how are you going to get feedback from a kid who's non-verbal? Anyway, this doctor is supposed to be good. Did her fellowship with some of the top people doing this type of procedure and all that good stuff. Still I'm not thrilled with the idea of putting electrodes into my sons brain. Can you blame me? Anyway here is a Wikipedia article on it if you'd like to learn more.

Monday, September 14, 2009

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Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
In my rush this morning I would never not spell check my post, then go back and recheck it and realize that I have no more spell checker on blogger. What's up with that? It's gone. Sorry you'll just have to put up with my very bad spelling for today.
Where oh where to begin this week? Sitting here typing this I can't think of a single thing to write about. I know I've had many many Not Me moments this past week, so let me think for a minute.

I would never get my friend a blanket out of the closet so she could nurse her baby, smell it on the way down the hall, realize it still smelled like milk even after having been washed and then spray it with febreeze room spray just so she wouldn't have to smell old milky blankets. That's gross and I would never do that! (Sorry Jen!)

I would never tell Colby's doctor that Botox and Phenol injections weren't working and I would never do them again. Then realize 6 months later that they do indeed help his dystonia (a small minor amount) and so then schedule another round of them without consulting her. She laughed when she walked into the room and said I thought you might be back. I would never presume to tell a doctor I know more than they do! Except I didn't really say it out loud!

I also would not end up having to take Colby to 2 pediatricians and 3 specialists for the Ear Nose and Throat Physicians Assistant to finally look up his nose and say "Yup he has a sinus infection!" I would think that that was a possible infection before I went to all those doctors instead of thinking it was something far more complex, which it usually is! I wouldn't do that.

I would never send Riley to bed at 6:30 filthy because she got up at 6:00 in the morning played really hard with cousins and friends and was beyond the point of exhaustion by then. I also would have never posted about doing this same thing before in Not Me Mondays. That would be like admitting I do it on a regular basis. Which of course I don't.

I would never tell Jahnna that she had to go to her room for throwing a HUGE screaming temper tantrum. When she said No I won't go, I would not proceed to pick her up and carry her like a baby down the stairs to her room. She's 6 for heaven sake. THat would be ridiculous behavior for both of us.

I also would never blog stalk the blog frog community reading other peoples responses to questions on mormonism. I would jump right in wiht my experiences instead of realying on their much better, much more clear and much more researched answers to say what I could never put into words. That would be timid and shy and something I got over a long time ago. I would never do that.

Kind of a lame Not Me Monday but it's really all I've got. Besides if I don't go get Jahnna into the car I'll be able to add that I'm never late dropping my daughter off at school. She is always on time, dressed immaculately with curled hair in pressed clothes that never wrinkle or some such nonsense like that. And if you belive that she ever shows up to school like that you should go back and read some of my other posts on our crazy chaotic beautiful life!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

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Little behind

So I'm just a little behind in life. Here are pictures of John in the hospital when he threw his back out. Then Jahnna's first day of school. First grade! Wow where has the time gone? And Colby's first day of school. I kinda timed his meds wrong so he was really sleepy for the bus ride but I kind of got a smile out of him. You can't really see his mohawk all that well but it's there.
Jahnna woke up late but wanted to see the bus so shes still in her pj's and Riley is saying cheese but I caught her mid word!