Five Question Friday
I've never done 5 question friday but it looks like fun. Thanks to Mama M for doing this.
Rules: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer them, grab the MckLinky Blog Hop code, and link up! No blog? That's okay! Just leave your answers in my comments! Oh, I'd love it if you'd link back to me!
Five Question Friday, 10/30:
1. What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh?
2. Who was your first CELEBRITY crush?
3. What is one talent that you wish you had?
4. How often do you and your spouse go out w/o the kids? Is it frequent enough?
5. What colour(s) is your bedroom?
1. What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh?
Yesterday I came in to lay down by Colby and he started laughing really hard at me. He laughed for almost an hour. He kept trying to roll away from me and was just really silly and giggly. It was so much fun to watch him be that happy. I don't think he's laughed that hard since his last surgery in April.
2. Who was your first CELEBRITY crush?
I had to laugh when Mama M. said her crush was Donny Walburg because mine was actually Joey. I hung onto that crush FAR longer than most girls did. I remember the bag I puffy painted with NKOTB all over it. Makes me laugh thinking about it again.
3. What is one talent that you wish you had?
Goodness there are tons I'd love to have but most involve music. I wish I could play the piano, the violin and the cello. Wish I could sing. Stuff like that.
4. How often do you and your spouse go out w/o the kids? Is it frequent enough?
Are you supposed to go out with your spouse and no children? Really? The last time we went out without one of the kids was to see Angels and Demons. Sad I know. We were going to go before John's back surgery but life happened and well now we're two weeks post op and he's only able to sit up for about 20 minutes so it'll be awhile.
5. What colour(s) is your bedroom?
White. It's a rental. Plus I just took down the curtains that were here in the house when we moved in so it's even more white. I've really got to get some curtains up or something.