Amundsen House of Chaos

Let's face it, when you have a kid who survived a stroke, life is always going to be a little chaotic.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My blog has moved!

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5 seconds

I have about 5 seconds to update this. So here goes! We've been busy. Doing what I don't know but we've been busy I promise! We went to SLC the other day to get Colby's botox done. He's been grinding his teeth a lot the last few months and it drives me crazy. Anyway we got down there with seconds to spare before our appointment. Then the doctor comes in and says she'd be more comfortable doing it under anesthesia. So we had a nice visit. Talked about some of his spasticity issues and then came home. Wasn't a totally bad trip. Colby did well with it and John and I got to listen to alot of talk radio.

We went to the zoo on John's birthday. Of course I forgot the camera. So no pictures. Well not totally true. I have pictures but they are on my phone and since no one reading this blog follows me on twitter you can't see them! Ok so it's totally my fault no one follows me on twitter cause I never told anyone I actually signed up. That's not a problem is it? Anyway if you want to follow me (when I can finally figure it out) My name on there is eamundsen. Real original I know. Or I could learn how to download my pics from my phone album and then post them. It would probably be easier!

Some where during this time I dropped my cell phone into the toilet. EWWWW. So I was phone less for a week. But I got the really cool new touch screen highlight from t-mobile. Just in case you were wondering. I also decided that I should sign up for insurance as well. Lesson learned. I dont feel so bad about dropping it in the toilet after learning that 2.9 million women a year drop their cell phones into toilets. At least I'm in good company.

Anyway my 5 seconds are up because Colby is throwing up again. We'll be heading to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor next month to see if maybe the granulation tissue growing in his ear might be causing some of the nausea. Fun times for all.


At August 20, 2009 at 7:32 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

Hey Erin, I miss seeing you BUSY woman. Are you ready for school to start? I bet you are... Sounds like things are going well. I have yet to drop my phone in the toilet but I know at least two other people who have. ;)

At August 21, 2009 at 9:03 AM , Blogger Erin said...

I know I've been really bad at getting together with people. Mostly cause Colby is throwing up so much still. I am very ready for school to start. As much as I want to homeschool I need a break still. So off they go. Jahnna keeps telling me see wants to come to your house to play so let me know when a good time is if that's still all right. I'm so glad I'm not the only one to do something like that with my phone. Makes me feel a little less stupid! =)

At August 21, 2009 at 3:32 PM , Blogger Shane & Amy said...

I washed my phone is the washing was left in my sweatshirt! A little cleaner than the toilet, but still water! I enjoy reading your blog. I don't do twitter, so it doesn't bug me that you haven't told us about you being on there... :) lol
Anyway, I was having a bad day the other day and came on to read your blog about Happy 2nd Survivor Day. It really snapped me out of it and instead of having a poor me, I had a "I'm so thankful" day. My heart was so full of gratitude after reading your blog. You seem so strong to me when I think I'd be a mess if I had to go through some of the stuff you do. You deserve a vacation! If I can ever help you get one....let me know! I'd be happy to help however I could! you rock!!

At August 21, 2009 at 3:32 PM , Blogger Shane & Amy said...

I washed my phone is the washing was left in my sweatshirt! A little cleaner than the toilet, but still water! I enjoy reading your blog. I don't do twitter, so it doesn't bug me that you haven't told us about you being on there... :) lol
Anyway, I was having a bad day the other day and came on to read your blog about Happy 2nd Survivor Day. It really snapped me out of it and instead of having a poor me, I had a "I'm so thankful" day. My heart was so full of gratitude after reading your blog. You seem so strong to me when I think I'd be a mess if I had to go through some of the stuff you do. You deserve a vacation! If I can ever help you get one....let me know! I'd be happy to help however I could! you rock!!


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