So I'm a couple days behind. Again. Not really much of a surprise but I'm working on it. We had a fun Halloween. John kicked my car out of the garage to hang plastic up for the haunted garage two weeks before halloween. He wanted to get most of the big black plastic sheets hung up before his surgery. Then he had his brother and some neighborhood kids come over and help with the rest on Friday and again on Saturday morning. Unfortunately all of my pictures of the haunted house didn't turn out! Bummer.
Jahnna decided to take some pictures of random things and she caught me twice. I figured I'd include them just to prove I do exist.
Here's me reading a book while waiting for Colby to fall asleep.
Here's Halloween Dinner. Creepy Crawler Pizza. Cheese pizza topped with curly fries, hotdogs, green olives and ketchup. Sounds pretty disgusting but ended up being pretty good.
I got ambitious and decided to make French bread. Did all right except the top burnt a bit. I can't believe I finally got a loaf of bread to rise. I guess it's a good thing I haven't totally given up on baking.
Jahnna was a Velveteen Kitty. I don't think her eyes can get any bigger in this picture!
Allie and Riley trick or treating.
I really should not take self portraits but here you go anyway.
Colby getting excited for trick or treating.
Ashley, Kaycee and Riley.
Jahnna waiting to get started. She got a little impatient.
Ms. Kim sent home the Super Talker for Colby to go trick or treating with. We're still working on the eye gaze part of his dynavox so we decided to go with this this year instead. Daddy recorded a very Scary Trick or Treat under baby bear. Colby loved hitting the switch with his head. He likes that it talks for him and gives him a voice again.
Here's his wheelchair with the head switch attached.
The button had a trick or treat sticker on it.
We forgot to carve pumpkins on Friday and Saturday so we did it on Sunday instead. I guess it's better late than never. Jahnna loves to get messy.
I took Riley's shirt off since she is so messy. She had a blast.
Daddy scooping out seeds.
Jahnna scooping out seeds
Colby got a kick out of dad's face. He thought he looked pretty funny. He had a lot of fun and was pretty tired by this point and was almost asleep.
Here's the last picture of me that Jahnna took. Colby sleeps on the floor now. It's safer for him. He's rolled himself off the bed several times even with a side rail net. He can push himself up and through the opening on either the top or the bottom. So the bed has become a chair. Anyway he likes me to come lay down with him while he gets sleepy.
Over all we had a really good weekend. John did way to much and now his back is super swollen again but he says it was worth it.